Conservative Review Hack: “David Hogg Is Being Abused By The Depraved Liberal Media!”

He actually blamed the NEA, because if it had not been for them, Cruz never would have gotten his hands on a gun in the first place. Cry a river for the real victims in this tragedy, the NRA.

“The depraved national media has done a great disservice to David Hogg and to the American people.”

On February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida armed with a semi automatic rifle, killing seventeen and injuring many others.

In the after math of the massacre, the student survivors rallied to start a grass roots movement to petition for stricter gun laws – an assault weapons ban, a ban of high capacity magazines, and universal background checks – which included the formation of Never Again MSD, and the nation wide March For Our Lives rallies.

As a result, a number of states passed a number of minor gun control laws. Florida passed the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act.

The NRA and the pro gun media didn’t take kindly to traumatized teenagers who had survived a shooting in their school, saying enough is enough. Nor did they like the fact that these teenagers were intelligent enough to organize a protest movement virtually without help from adults. But what bothered them most of all – especially the NRA – was that these no nothing little brats didn’t kowtow to the absolute authority and greatness of the NRA. It absolutely stuck in their craw. Instead of bowing in subservience to the NRA like our cowardly politicians, our federal law makers ( the majority of them Republicans ) do on a daily basis, they gave the NRA the middle finger, because they understood they are corrupt, and bribe congress not to pass any gun control legislation.

It stuck in their craw that people were angry at the NRA, and rightly so, so they sent their mouth piece Dana Loesch to parrot their talking points and deflect blame for the tragedy onto sheriff Scott Israel, instead of looking at Americas lax gun laws. And after the town hall, Loesch appeared on Fox News to whine about how the town hall had been staged just to inflame emotions – despite the fact that emotions had already been inflamed by the shooting – to make her and the NRA look bad – she did a great job of that herself without help from anyone – and how she, the NRA, and law abiding gun owners were the real victims, a false talking point pro gun conservatives continuously trot out whenever the NRA receives any criticism for its extreme pro gun policies. Fox News, Breitbart, Newsmax, Right-Wing News, Redstate, Town Hall, World Net Daily, all heroically came to Loesch’s rescue, echoing her complaints about how unfairly she had been treated by the depraved, biased media. Give me a f**king break. Cry me a f**king river.

Which brings me to the linked article. He believes it was the depraved so called liberal media that was abusing David Hogg because they allowed him to speak untruths about the NRA and Dana Loesch, both of whom shall forever remain blameless:

The NRA is blameless. The blame lies solely with the shooter and law enforcement, from the federal level to sheriff Scott Israel’s department, to protect the children. But the students who point that out ( Kashuv ) only get airtime on Fox News, while the other cable networks promote Hogg as he continues to say things that are just plain wrong.

Like the fact that the NRA and our politicians share a responsibility in this tragedy? Yeah, that’s totally wrong. It’s really those god damned teenagers that want to confiscate everyone’s guns, and do away with the precious second amendment. That’s the problem they should have been focusing on, not the fact that seventeen people had just been murdered with a semi automatic.

Not only is the shooter to blame, but the local sheriff’s department, and the FBI. The only parties that are blameless, are the NRA, and our state and federal law makers. How convenient. The NRA buys politicians to do their bidding, which is to have a pro gun, anti gun control agenda, but they share no responsibility in this tragedy.

I’m surprised he didn’t find an excuse to blame Obama for the shooting, like they blamed him for every shooting when he was president.

Less than a week after the shooting, Florida law makers couldn’t bring themselves to a discussion of an assault weapons ban, much less pass one. Instead, they chose to condemn pornography as a public health hazard! That’s how f**ked up these a**holes and their priorities are, and it demonstrates their willingness to allow the NRA to lead them around by the genitals at the expense of the lives of others.

“News anchors do not correct him. They don’t challenge his untruths. The media has turned Hogg into a spectacle, parading his activist statements in prime time and giving him a platform to spread immature and unserious attacks against those who stand against gun control. The media is wielding his tongue as a sword and his suffering as a shield to advance its narrative and deflect criticism. In doing so, they are teaching him that his attacks are good and right and are encouraging him.”

Twenty children were slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary. Fifty eight at a concert in Las Vegas. Seventeen at Marjory Stoneman High School. If you’re someone who denies the reality of gun violence; if you’re someone who believes America has too many gun laws ( insanely weak laws by the way, that allow anyone to have a gun ); if you believe standing against gun control is a noble cause; if you’re someone who gets their f**king jollies off at smearing traumatized kids; if you’re more concerned about your feelings than those who were traumatized in a school shooting, then you’re part of problem, not the solution. You’re likely not interested in a solution. So, shut the fuck up, and sit the f**k down. Let the children speak, the children, in this case, who actually know what they’re talking about, have reasonable demands, most of them supported by a great majority of Americans, and are acting more mature than the Dana Loesch’s, SpongeTed Squishy Pants, and their gun loving groupies.

He’s upset that Hogg and the other student activists are speaking out about gun violence, and didn’t bend the knee to the almighty NRA; that gun control and those who advocate for it are bad people, while those who oppose it are noble heroes fighting a noble cause.

The great irony here is that he decries the alleged immaturity of Hogg’s criticisms as untruths. But he has nothing to say about the actual immaturity of the actual lies and attacks directed at them from conspiracy minded wack job conservatives, who were encouraged in their attacks from the likes of Alex Jones, The Gateway Pundit, World Net Daily, and from the mainstream right-wing media, like Fox News. How the students were co opted by left-wing socialists, funded by Soros, were gun grabbing Nazis, mushy brained and soulless, civil terrorists for criticizing the NRA, and wanting to murder law abiding gun owners , even as they themselves were threaten with death from unhinged gun extremists on social media.

To many pro gun nuts this kind of behavior is acceptable, is not depraved. Nor, it would seem, are death threats against kids who ask for gun control. In their minds, what is depraved, is wanting gun control, and criticizing the NRA, which, apparently is taboo.

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